


We recognise that every business has a vital role to play when it comes to the promotion of sustainability within their supply chains, resource management and day to day best practice and we try to adopt sustainable measures for a positive impact wherever we can.

There is a high volume of plastic use within the industry and the lack of obvious alternative solutions is challenging. However, we are optimistic that the new Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations and the much-anticipated Deposit Return Scheme will enable change to occur at pace and open-up the framework for much needed change.

At The Old Well we now recycle those hard to manage plastic wastes such as plant trays, pallet wrap and compost bags (through our take back scheme). All these items are now baled on site and transported to Wessex Recycling in Bridgewater for reprocessing.
We also bale our cardboard separately, resulting in a cleaner product which is collected through Binit and taken directly to Exeter for recycling.

Solar Panel Array
June 2023 saw us generate our own electricity for the first time from the recently installed solar panels. To date we are estimated to have saved 13,961.1 Kg of CO2 which is equivalent to 845 trees planted.

Other Initiatives
We collect crisp packets consumed in our café and restaurant which are dropped off at Terracycle recycling points. 


We have moved from sachets to bottles in our café as they are much easier to recycle.

Don’t forget your reusable cup…… customers who use their own cup instead of a takeaway cup will receive 25p off the price of their drink